Year 11 resources

Walking Talking Mock Questions
280+ slide powerpoint of exam style questions following an "I do, You do" format.
Last updated:

Breakfast Boosts
20 quick questions to give students a boost before they enter their maths exams.
Two difficulty levels for both Foundation and Higher tier, as well as Non-Calculator and Calculator paper versions.

Exam paper trackers
Students' exam paper trackers to record their marks and grades. Available for OCR, AQA and Edexcel for both Foundation and Higher tiers.

Exam paper reflection
An information sheet that students can complete after mock exams, to reflect on their marks and grade.
Editable to include your own grade boundaries. 2 and 3 paper versions included as well as foundation and higher tiers.

Top ten tests
Each set of these papers test 10 skills at GCSE level and increase in difficulty from green, to yellow, up to red and then finally blue.
This allows you to build up students confidence and improve their skills at a pace appropriate for your class.

Pick 'n' Mix
These are short GCSE papers aimed at grades 1, 2 and 3 (Foundation), grades 4 and 5 (Crossover) and grades 7, 8 and 9 (Higher 7+).
Each paper covers 6 out of 30 preselected skills at random.

Maths calendars
A3 monthly calendars for students to complete their daily dose of maths!
These are being added regularly to include 4 different difficultly levels (Foundation B, Foundation A, Higher B and Higher A) from September to June.
Quick wins
These sheets contain 9 multiple choice questions on the most basic "quick win" questions on GCSE maths papers.
Across the sheets the questions rotate through 27 different skills; each one appearing 9 times.

Exam advice of the day
Exam advice and common mistakes students make.
These can be used on your school's social media, as plenaries or as posters around the school.
Especially useful leading up to mock exams or external exams.

Higher non-calculator
Maths mats
7 weeks of maths mats for students studying Higher GCSE maths.
The skills on these sheets focus solely on common non-calculator topics worth approximately 40 marks in total.

Same surface, different depth problems
Each page contains 4 problems that, on the surface, appear similar.
However each question requires different skills to solve.
Students have to read the question carefully to deduce which skill they should be using.

Going for Gold
These papers test skills that appear on both foundation and higher tier papers.
Each paper has three versions to choose from: Bronze, Silver and Gold. They are the same questions, but the amount of scaffolding is adjusted in each.
The Staples Challenge
Staples challenges encourage students to focus on the first half of the paper.
These are slides for each exam board, a front cover to use and a spreadsheet to record scores.

Revision checklists for students to use during their revision.