Central tendency and spread
S.1.1 I can find the mode, median and range from a list of data

Year 7 support
Year 7 core
Year 8 support
Year 10 foundation
S.1.2 I can calculate the mean from a list of data
RAG questions

Year 7 support
Year 7 core
Year 8 support
Year 10 foundation
S.1.3 I can find the mode, median, mean and range from a list of data
Complete the blanks

I do, you do

Year 7 extension
Year 8 core
Year 10 crossover
Guess the film - Pixels

S.1.4 I can identify the appropriate average to use in a given situation
Averages match up

Year 7 support
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 10 foundation
Year 10 crossover
S.1.5 I can interpret the mode, median, mean and range of two sets of data
and make comparisons
Exit ticket

Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 8 support
Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
Year 10 foundation
S.1.6 I can find the data based on information given on the averages and range
AFL questions

I do, you do

Year 7 extension
Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
Year 10 crossover
RAG project questions

S.1.7 I can adjust the mean when data is added or taken away from the set
I do, you do

Level up

Year 7 extension
Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
Year 10 crossover
S.1.8 I can find the mode, range, median and mean from a
discrete frequency table
I do, you do

Goal free problem

Year 7 extension
Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
Year 10 foundation
Year 10 crossover
S.1.9 I can find the modal class, class in which the median lies and
estimated mean from a grouped frequency table
I do, you do

Backwards fading booklet

Year 8 extension
Year 10 crossover
S.1.10 I can compare distributions of grouped, discrete or continuous data
using mean, mode, median and range
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 8 extension
Year 10 crossover
S.1.11 I can find the mode, range and median from a stem and leaf diagram
I do, you do

Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
Year 10 foundation
Year 10 crossover
S.1.12 I can interpret and calculate quartiles and interquartile range
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 10 higher
Year 10 extension
S.1.13 I can find the interquartile range from a stem and leaf diagram
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 10 higher
Year 10 extension
S.2.1 I can read information from and complete a discrete frequency table
Exit ticket

Year 7 support
S.2.2 I can read information from and complete a discrete or
grouped frequency table
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 8 support
S.2.3 I can complete frequency trees from given information
AFL questions

Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 8 support
Year 8 core
Year 10 foundation
S.2.4 I can solve complex frequency tree problems including fractions,
percentages and ratios
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 8 extension
Year 10 crossover
S.3.1 I can read information from a two way table
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 support
S.3.2 I can read, complete and interpret a two way table
I do, you do

Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 8 support
Year 8 core
S.4.1 I can read and complete a pictogram
Goal free problem

Year 7 support
S.4.2 I can draw bars charts from a frequency table including dual/composite
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 support
Yaer 7 core
S.4.3 I can interpret bar charts and use them to solve problems
Goal free problem

Year 7 support
Yaer 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 8 support
S.4.4 I can draw a stem and leaf diagram, including back to back
I do you do slides


Year 7 support
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Spot the mistakes

S.4.5 I can construct pie charts
We do

Booklet of questions

Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
S.4.6 I can read and interpret pie charts
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
S.4.7 I can identify misleading chart features

Year 7 support
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
S.5.1 I can construct a histogram with unequal class widths
I do, you do

Year 10 higher
Year 10 extension
S.5.2 I can interpret a histograms with unequal class widths
(i.e finding the frequency)
Goal free problem

Year 10 higher
Year 10 extension
S.5.3 I can estimate from a histogram
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 10 extension
S.6.1 I can complete and interpret scatter graphs, including correlation
and a line of best fit

Goal free problem

Year 7 core
Year 8 support
S.6.2 I can complete and interpret scatter graphs, including correlation,
line of best fit and interpolation/extrapolation
I do you do

True or false

Year 7 extension
Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
S.7.1 I can construct a cumulative frequency diagram
Spot the mistakes

Year 10 higher
Year 10 extension
S.7.2 I can construct and complete box plots
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 10 higher
Year 10 extension
S.7.3 I can interpret cumulative frequency diagrams
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 10 higher
Year 10 extension
S.7.4 I can interpret box plots
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 10 higher
Year 10 extension
S.7.5 I can make comparisons between two distributions using box plots
Goal free problem

Year 10 higher
Year 10 extension
S.8.1 I can apply statistics to describe a population
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
Year 10 higher
Year 10 extension
S.8.2 I can apply statistics to a capture and recapture problem
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
Year 10 higher
Year 10 extension
S.9.1 I can interpret line graphs for time series data
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 11 higher
Year 11 extension