Geometry and measures
2D Shapes
G.1.1 I know the properties of polygons (and know their names)
Naming shapes quiz


Year 8 support
Year 8 core
G.1.2 I can identify the symmetries of all 2D shapes and name them
What do you think?

Year 7 support
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 9 support
G.1.3 I can classify triangles using angle and side properties

Ask an expert

Year 7 support
Year 7 core
Year 9 support
G.1.4 I can recognise and classify quadrilaterals from their properties
Fill in the blanks

Classifying quadrilaterals

Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 9 support
Guess the film - Shrek

G.1.5 I can recognise and name the parts of a circle

AFL questions

Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
Year 10 higher
Year 10 extension
Guess the film - Top gun maverick

G.2.1 I can name 3D shapes
Odd one out

Year 8 support
Year 9 support
G.2.2 I can recognise and complete the nets of 3D shapes
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 8 support
Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
Year 9 support
G.2.3 I can identify the properties of 3D shapes
I do you do slides

Year 8 support
Year 8 core
Year 9 support
G.2.4 I can construct and interpret plans and elevations of 3D shapes
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 8 support
Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
Year 9 support
Year 9 core
G.3.1 I can organise units into measures of length, mass and capacity
Odd one out

Year 7 support
Year 10 foundation
G.3.2 I can estimate measurements from real life situations
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 support
Year 7 core
G.3.3 I can measure a length in cm or mm
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 support
G.3.4 I can convert between metric measures
Ask an expert

I do you do slides

Year 7 support
Year 7 core
Year 8 support
Year 10 foundation
Multiple choice questions

RAG questions

Guess the film - Men in black

G.3.5 I can compare and order measures of length including when the units
are different
Level up

Year 7 support
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 8 support
Year 10 foundation
G.3.6 I can convert between units of area and volume
Guess the film - Titanic

Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
G.4.1 I can find perimeters of simple shapes
Collect the joke

Exit ticket

Year 7 support
G.4.2 I can find the perimeter of rectangles and shapes made from rectangles

Year 7 support
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 8 support
Year 10 foundation
G.4.3 I can find the missing length of a shape when given the perimeter
Fill in the blanks worksheet

Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 8 support
Year 9 core
Year 10 foundation
G.4.4 I can find areas by counting squares and part squares
Exit ticket

Year 7 support
G.4.5 I can find the area of rectangles
Collect the joke

Year 7 support
Year 7 core
G.4.6 I can find the area of compound shapes made from rectangles
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 support
Year 7 core
Year 8 support
Year 10 foundation
G.4.7 I can find the area of parallelograms
Exit ticket


Year 7 support
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 8 support
Year 8 core
Year 10 foundation
Spot the mistake

G.4.8 I can find the area of triangles
RAG questions

Guess the film - Daddy day care

Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 8 support
Year 8 core
Year 9 support
Year 9 core
Year 10 foundation
Year 11 foundation
G.4.9 I can find the area of trapeziums
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 extension
Year 8 support
Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
Year 9 support
Year 10 foundation
Year 10 crossover
G.4.10 I can find the missing length of a shape when given the area
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 8 support
Year 8 core
Year 9 support
Year 9 core
Year 10 foundation
G.4.11 I can find the area of compound shapes
Exam style question booklet with hints Rectangles and parts of circles

Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
Year 10 foundation
Year 10 crossover
G.4.12 I can solve functional problems by finding the area or perimeter of
compound shapes made from rectangles
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 8 support
Year 8 core
Year 10 foundation
Year 10 crossover
G.4.13 I can solve complex problems regarding the perimeter and area of given shapes
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 extension
Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
Year 10 crossover
G.5.1 I can calculate the volume of a shape by counting cubes